When Rosalie Francisci, whom I last photographed competing at the FFE Grand National Dressage event in France in Summer 2020, asked if I would like to do a shoot of her and her beautiful horse, Black Pearl, for her sponsors, I couldn’t wait to get started! It is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to watch someone so talented at such an awe-inspiring discipline. And if it includes some horsey hugs as well, so much the better!
The main focus of the shoot was to be Black Pearl; however, I stayed on a little longer at the end to get some portrait shots of Rosalie and her beloved Velisko, who was sold later in the summer. I was glad to have the opportunity to capture some sweet moments between these two old friends; the bond between them was so touching to see…
Rosalie and her beloved Velisko
Some pre-shoot sugar lumps for the beautiful Black Pearl
Black Pearl gleaming after a pre-shoot hose down…
Back inside for some portrait shots
An Instagram vs Reality moment with Black Pearl
Velisko enjoys a pre-shoot back rub on her favourite spot
The talented trio